If you have or have had teenagers you will understand this post.. if not your turn will come.
I have three. We went camping last night, my husband and his brothers have some land where they have hunted for years. We took all three girls and our son up there yesterday it was pretty uneventful.
I got to spend the evening with them by the campfire and they talked and teased. It doesn't happen often, it was nice. My girls are all kinda girly girls, oldest and youngest TOTALLY girly, Shanna can be but can get dirty and be ok with that too! She went with Dan and Ethan to the woods in full camo gear and they attempted to hunt. I say attempted as the Turkeys didnt cooperate but, Shanna and Dan got back up this morning and still no turkeys just a beautiful sunrise.. a teenager woke up to see the sunrise. WOW! I really enjoyed the time with the family and want to hold on to these moments as long as possible the older three are all so close to being on their own and theses moments will be just memories... Thank you God for these wonderful kids whom I have been blessed to share my time with.
In all of this time with the kids I couldn't help but think of a Shawny across the globe and praying to get him here and have him be part of this AWESOME family. I will have to have FAITH and trust in the LORD that things will happen as he wants not when I want. Please Lord give me strength to follow you and not question.