I will not leave you as orphans I will come for you-John14:18

Friday, April 23, 2010

GRRR. Frustrated with timing coping

I have been praying about one beautiful little guy in Eastern Europe since September, that is when we had originally commited to Shawn. But due to issues with our previous house and landlords we had to move and that was going to work out with the homestudy and everything. Well we moved 6 weeks ago and we had hoped to be able to recommit to Shawn by the end of March since then we have had to put a fuel pump on my truck and replace all four of the tires on
Dan's truck and now we need to have more work done on Dans truck something with the rear axel and some grease getting on the break rotor.
I know as a Christian I am not suppose to questions Gods timing, But It is so hard to do when my heart wants this little guy home like yesterday!!
Will it happen? Why did God place this beautiful boy so heavily on my heart and then keep him at a distance for so long? I know I should relax and let things happen in Gods timing but it seems so wrong for a little boy to be without a family when there is a family who wants him, who has the resources to raise him but just lacks the money to get him home.... All I can continue to do is to pray things will work out for us to come up with the money when the time is right for God...
Please Pray with us and for us

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I am requesting prayers be sent upward in the name of my sister in law Kim.

She is fighting breast cancer for the third time in less than 5 years. It has metatisized and not sure if the hormone therapy is gonna work, she may be looking at starting chemo again.

Please say many many prayers for her, she is a great lady.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Family not understanding...

First I want to say I truely love all my extended family. But I dont undertstand why they feel necessary to question my and my husbands decisions for our immediate family.
It was so with my first adoption of Alina, certain unnamed family members felt they had the right to say they did not feel that adoption was in the best interest of my biological kids and felt I should not adopt. Alina has been home three years and had blended into our family as if she has been here her entire life. So as of now this family member has never met Alina and that person is missing out on a wonderful little girl.
So back to the present day we are wanting to adopt again, and now the family(different members than previously) are asking why? Why adopt? Why this child? Why someone not in the US. I just can say I feel this is the way I feel that God is leading me. He led me to Alina and he has led me to Shawn.
The bible states we are to take care of the widows and the orphans yet when someone feels called to be blessed others have to voice their opinion.
I am not trying to be ugly, I am just trying to understand. I am not able to help the way I feel ,I truely believe that the Lord is saying what way I am to go for my children, I must have faith and trust I am doing what He leads me to not what I am choosing to do. Basically I love my family all, if you have words of support or encouragement bless us, if you have word that are questioning and hurtful, please keep them to yourself, I do not mean to sound ugly, but I also do not need to be questioned about my choices or have hurtful things said about me.
Any new child by birth or adoption is a blessing from the Lord, let us choose how we to bring them into our family