Prayer is amazing. I was started to get discouraged with the lack of funds for our adoption. I have been praying and I know others have been also, Thank you!
I have been open about the adoption but not about the lack of funds, that is changing. WE need help. Spencer is now 5 years old! Thats nothing big in our society in his country that means he is now at the age where they transfer him to a mental instution where if not adopted he spedns the rest of his life! Not something I want to happen!
Spencer is my son, not legally yet but very much emotionally! If some one take your child you do what ever is in your power o get thim back including paying his ransom. This is what we have to do!
Please if you can help us pay his ransom, every little bit helps.
saw a posting by Andrea that you all needed funds, so I just donated! I will now put you on my FB page ! I will also pray you get all the funds needed to bring your angel home!
mom to Joshua, 6, DS