I will not leave you as orphans I will come for you-John14:18

Monday, March 28, 2011

Adoption.. a total leap of faith...

My husband and I have 4 kids, between us. Why on earth do we want to adopt again, I keep getting asked this by well meaning friends, family, and coworker. The only answer is because God has guided us to this. I have faith it will be as he wants.
I want Elijah home, yesterday. But a mound of paperwork and a HUGE amount of money is what is in the way, the paperwork is underway. The funding .. now that is something I am working on but not gaining as much ground as I wish I was. BUT.. As we found out with Alinas adoption it will happen in His time, when and how He wants.
Literally the week before I was to go get Alina, the funding I had worked out fell though...Amazingly, things worked out and she has now been home for four years.
WhenI got the initial itch to adopt again, Dan was no where near there. Adopting a child with Down Syndrome... never though he would even consider..
We haave how commited to the most beautiful boy in the world and he has Down syndrome. When the Lord made Daniel ready, I knew he was truely in control of this.. In HIS time, Have Faith..
Thank you Lord for guiding this journey ..

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Prayer for fellow RR families..

So this week has been full of lots of things for many families, several families have sent the massive dossiers over to the countries including the family who will be going to get their daughter Kareen.
Please pray their dossier is translated and submitted in a timely manner.
She is in the same orphanage as Elijah.

The Davis family went to court to bring their son home, this was their second trip to his country,their adoption was denied. They are the first family to try and adopt a child from this region with Down syndrome.. it was felt he is better off in an orphange than with a family. They plan to appeal the judge said the will support it, the procesutor was against it. This is bad news not only for this family but for 2 others who are shortly behind in their journeys to bring their girls home both also have down syndrome. I ask every one to pray, pray that all involved realize NO child deserves to be in an orphanage, they all need families, but when a family has stepped forward to bring one child home just to be told no ONLY because the child was born with Down Syndrome this is sad.
Another family realised the child they were commited to was not meant to be their daughter so they released her and in the same week another family committing to her just as they are to travel to met their son in the same orphanage...
Whoever doubts their is a God just needs to become involved in an international adoption, it is truely a rollercoaster ride but for someone with faith it is a rewarding ride..
Prayers to all in process..

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Homestudy check... Dossier document gathering full force

Well we have completed the steps for our homestudy, our social worker, now just has to write it up.. YEAH ! We are now in the docuement gathering stage..
and fundraising stage.. this is the challenging part alot of people are supportive emotionally just not financially..SO Please pray that things work out for us.
Elijahs country is expected to undergo alot of changes we're just not sure when, hopefully AFTER we get him home, were shooting for Summer, earlier is better than later.
Please please pray we get this little guy home!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A birthday and anniversary... ON THE SAME DAY..

Imagine leaving everything you've ever known going with someone you have only spent 15 hours with, who doesnt speak your language then traveling half way around the world where NOTHING is familiar, the sights, sounds, smells none of it...
Well this is what happened to Alina on her 8th birthday... four years ago.. She became my daughter, she walked out of the orphanage and her world was totally transformed. SO we celebrate her birhtday and we celebrate her GOTCHA daty this week, and today is 4 years ago we flew from Moscow to Atlanta to Tampa and she became an American Citizen.
GOD has blessed us with the addition of her to our family. The changes in her have been so amazing to see. She came home at eight years old, 44 inches and 40 pounds, now shes 4 10 and weights 65 pounds, she could not read or write in any language she now will sit down with a chapter book and be done with in a few hours, GOD has been so good to us, THANK YOU LORD.
This was then..
And NOW...