I will not leave you as orphans I will come for you-John14:18

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

ive been really bad..

So I signed into my blog today and realized I havent posted in two months, I didnt think it had been so long. It has been a crazy couple of months but quiet on the adoption front.
Lauren turned 18 on May 25th. Graduated on June 4, married on June 5. found out she was pregnant mid June.
If that wasnt enough we moved the 3rd week of June the same week Alina went to camp and the week before Shanna went to spend the summer with my girlfriend Jodi.
So we are now settled into our new home and are beginning to focus on redoing adopion paperwork that needs to be changed b/c of the move.
I am trying to stay positive and hope that we may be able to be in elijahs country in the early fall.
This is so frustrating things keep happening to prevent or slow this adoption down but I dont think God would open doors just to close them I think someone who doesnt want to see my precious boy in a family of people who love him.
so I ask for your prayers for our family but mostly for Elijah.